Q. Who is running World Book Reviews?
Great question and I have a simple answer. I am. My name is Jose’ F. Nodar and I am a self-published author with six (6) published books and hoping to do many more.
Q. Do you review e-books?
A. No. but luckily, we know an organisation that does.
Q. Why are you doing this?
Another simple answer. First is a selfless reason. Authors go through a lot to get published, sell their books and then, nothing happens. The readers do not give the author any feedback. Why? Maybe they are busy. Maybe they are embarrassed to have their name out there in the internet world. Maybe they did not like the book and do not want to hurt the authors’ feelings. Whatever the reason, reviews are scarce. So I figure I create a free book review service, hence World Book Reviews. My second is a selfish reason. It is a way for me to grow my book library with new books.
Q. Is this a free service?
No it is not. Please review the Book Reviewer Agreement and select the option you prefer. These is a small cost for this this review.
Q. What will World Book Reviews do for your book review?
A fair and honest review of your book. I CANNOT guarantee that every review will be positive. You will always receive my honest review. Sometimes the author will be thrilled with the review; sometimes the author will receive a lukewarm review or in rare cases they receive a not so positive review.
Where do you post the reviews?
It depends on the Option you choose. We will post reviews in the following platfomr:
- https://worldbookreviews.com.au/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/worldbookreviews
- LibraryThing,
- Barnes and Noble,
- Amazon.com.au
- Goodreads.com
Q. What is the turnaround time for receiving my review?
It depends on the schedule. I do not have an army of reviewers, just me and I review the books received (purchased or provided) in the order I received them with provided books receiving priority. If you want to see the current schedule, use the contact form, and ask me to email you the current schedule. More than happy to do so.
Q. What is our review rating system?
Look right.
Q. But what if the review is just wrong?
Everyone makes mistakes. If the review contains large, factual errors, then please let me know. I will always email you prior to publishing the review to make sure this does not happen, but I will not change my review only if I misquoted a character or did not detail a fact in the book correctly.
Q. How long will my review be?
I aim for a real honest review which could be short or long depending on the subject matter of the book. I have no formula for word count in reviews.
Q. How long will my review run on your website?
I archive all reviews on my website, and they will remain there until you instruct me to take them down.
Q. How do I get my book to you?
After you read the Book Reviewer Agreement, the Author will choose an Option. Depending on the Option chosen will determine how the book is received by the Reviewer. As soon as I receive it, I will email you to let you know I received it.
Q. I sent you my book, but haven’t heard from you?
If you choose Option 1, please check your tracking. If you choose Option 2, I will keep track of it and let you know when I receive it.
Q. Am I guaranteed a review after I submit my book?
Yes, if you have signed the Book Reviewer Agreement, I will do the book review.
Q. Does my book qualify for a review?
Great question – click here to view my book review policies.
Q. I have a question, not answer here.
Email me at info@worldbookreviews.com.au or use the contact form below and I will get back to you in 24 hours.
Q. I haven't published my book yet. Can I still have it reviewed?
Yes, you can. I just need a PDF. See agreement information.

Why our prices?
Why is our price so low?
We love books and we love to support authors.
When you compare our prices to other services, we cannot be beat.
Price thought is not the only thing we offer:
- Honest reviews.
- No fluff. If we like it, we said it, and if we do not, we do the same.
- Depending on the schedule, a novel, depending on pages, gets done in three weeks.