Welcome to World Book Reviews

Are you a book lover who wants to support your favourite author? Leave a book review to show your appreciation?

This website has been setup for honest book reviews (we will review all prior to posting) and notify you once we have completed our review.

We love all genres so post away.

So, take your time and do a fair review.

Thank you for taking your time to do so.

About Me and world book Reviews

Most authors are familiar with the challenge of getting honest book reviews that are legitimate and verified. A book needs reviews for readers to feel confident about purchasing it, even if it’s well-written and promoted..

J. F. Nodar, a self-published Australian author that loves writing, reading and helping other authors, and I created this website.

When someone buys a book, the author gets a little money. I created this website to give feedback to the author, which is what they really want so they can improve.

I encourage you to provide an honest and fair review of the book you have purchased or received as a gift.

I will check your review for compliance with our standards upon receipt and notify you when we post it.

Guess what, you will get a choice of a free novel in the format the author has provided his/her novel once I approve your review.

How good is that!

So thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to give the author a pleasant surprise.

Let’s Write Your Review

11 + 11 =

Free bonus

A gift for you!

Once we accept and post your review on this website, we will send you a link to download a free novel in the format the author has provided for your enjoyment. Thank you for taking the time to write this review. Thank you for taking the time to write this review.

5 stars - 2

Share your opinions on the book you just read!

   We recommend you use this star system for your review:

   5 stars: Absolutely enthralling. A must-read!

   4 stars: An enjoyable, wonderful read. This book was a fun, touching, or memorable read and a grand title you recommend to your family and friends.

   3 stars: The book was average but didn’t really stand out as noteworthy.

   2 stars: This book did not meet my expectations and I would not recommend it to a friend or a family member

   1 star: Absolutely terrible, unprofessional, and unreadable.

   Always be honest and fair. The author would appreciate your feedback as long as it is constructive and polite.
